Friday 19 April 2013

Nail Fun..

Hello everyone, good to get things moving. How are you today? I trust things are going well as we all go about our respective businesses and God-given tasks (except me, the jobless somebody who has decided to drop a quick blog post before i go and do my proper job..*laughs*)

Ok! I did mention i was interested in a whole lot of things and constantly find myself trying out new things whenever i come across them. This post is just a quick peek at one of my newest passions: Nail Art. That's right, Nail Art! For some reason i find this real interesting and now set myself the task of finding new ways to express my creativity.

Gone are the days of boring one colour nails, now the idea is to make it unique. God alone knows how i didn't catch up with this. My research has already dazed me and seriously, i love it. Trust me na, sharp sharp i started assembling all needed materials and even improvised when i couldn't get what was listed. See below one of my first attempts at nail art

Excuse the somehow funny-looking feet, the light wasn't too good..heheheheheheeee!!!

Now this is the result of a full hour's work. Believe it or not, i used a pin head to achieve those patterns. It was hard i tell you since i couldn't get hold of a proper dotting tool. I went on Amazon to check out nail art materials but alas Amazon is not keen on doing business with Nigeria just yet else i'd just have gotten all i needed straight. Didn't stop me from opening an account and creating a wishlist against the day i finally hope Amazon considers us (please Amazon, have pity! Some of us Nigerians do mean well and we are far greater in number than those morons who persist in spoiling our image home and abroad)..

Subsequent posts will show the steps i used to achieve some of my nail art but for now just have a look and i'll get right on the job of showing you what i learn as i go.

my first attempts

See you all soon.

(Don't ever let anyone tell you what you can't do. Just do it anyway. You may fail but at least you'll have fun learning til you get it right)


  1. I've always been a foot fetish but never made it! Cute feet, just what thrills me .. They r nice but u sure can do better, I enjoy admiring people, and also ensure to get a glimpse of how cute thr feet are , don't blame me its just my thing, wow! Finding this blog , just what I hope to divulge my time to ... Thanks for the open eye* ..and yes Nigerians are talented and should be appreciated despite all odds .. Hope to see more of this to fill my eyes

    1. I intend to do better dear, be sure of that! Thanks for coming in to check out my li'l handiwork. I owe u big as my first commenter..cheers!!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Debby dear, appreciate you taking time to visit..hope to see you again soon!

  3. Lovely feet and enjoyed it hope to see more of your works

  4. Thank you so very much for stopping by to appreciate my meagre I will resume posting again real soon, God willing. Stay blessed and hugs!


