OMG!!!. To say I have missed this blog is an understatement, I have MISSSSSSSSSED it so much!. Is there a more unserious creature than me, who has something she absolutely loves and just abandoned it for so long? I am so sorry and so ashamed of me (hehehehe!! Highly unrepentant I tell ya...lol ).. Forgive me, my darling blog and blog people..
Ok, down to business...
Happy New Year folks. I am so pleased to welcome myself and you all back. I will not start talking of 2013 or why I stayed silent for so long, that's all gone now. We thank GOD we survived and look forward to many more blissful years ahead. All I know is 2013 was kind to me and by the grace of God, 2014 is gonna be better.
This is just to welcome you all back. I entered 2014 blazing and believe me when I tell you I have so much planned to share with you. My makeup?? Fabulous!!!.. My Nail Art?? Splendid!!.. I have been immensely busy my dears, and I absolutely can't wait to show you the results of my work. Honestly, I feel so enthusiastic about this. I know you'll love it too. Your support and feedback will, as always, be appreciated and criticisms will also be welcomed. I promise from now on to never be too far away from this blog, believe me when I say I have good things for you.
For now, I bid you a short bye while I plan my grand entrance again. It kills me to leave but am happy I'll be back soon to share cool stuff with you. See you all soon dears..
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